Those who want to take part Sunday are asked to show up at the Orillia Public Library courtyard at 10 a.m. Bags will be provided
OrilliaMatters Staff
Apr 21, 2022 9:45 AM

Green Orillia, a grass-roots local group, is calling on local residents to participate in a Community Spring Garbage Cleanup event they're hosting this Sunday, April 24.Green Orillia
Green Orillia is very excited to invite you to our Community Spring Garbage Cleanup event this Sunday, April 24.
Since Friday April 22 is Earth Day, and April 22-24 is Yours To Protect Weekend (local groups all over the province hosting events to draw attention to environmental problems), this Sunday is the perfect day for a community garbage cleanup.
Madeleine Fournier of Green Orillia is able to collect your full bags of litter during the clean-up and bring them to the dump free of charge.
This will be Green Orillia’s fourth community garbage cleanup event and the second annual springtime cleanup.
Those who want to take part Sunday are asked to show up at the Orillia Public Library courtyard at 10 a.m. Bags will be provided, but participants are encouraged to bring their own gloves, pickers, and other items needed for the cleanup.
Before the garbage cleanup begins, a community meeting/discussion will be held, including a group photo and an Indigenous land acknowledgement led by Luana Shirt, a local Indigenous knowledge carrier and land/water protector.
All are welcome, and you can RSVP on the Facebook event here:
Help us show some love to our city and our environment. Please tell a friend, family member, coworker, or neighbour about how they can help protect and preserve our environment.
For those not able to attend, Green Orillia encourages folks to clean up garbage in their neighbourhood when able and post photos tagging Green Orillia.
Green Orillia is a community organization dedicated to sharing news, events, tips, resources and initiatives for sustainability in Orillia and area. Follow Green Orillia on Facebook and Instagram, sign up for the e-newsletter here, or check out the website.