Decision to defer zoning amendment 'restored my faith in our elected officials,' says letter writer
Letter to the Editor
Dec 17, 2023 7:30 AM

OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at or via our website. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following is a letter to the editor and an open letter to Orillia city council.
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the public meeting held on Dec. 14 to consider this application for rezoning.
I was extremely pleased to see so many members of the public in attendance, many of whom took the opportunity to express their views concerning this proposed development. The turnout was inspiring, especially considering that virtual participation was unavailable for this meeting.
As you witnessed, the residents of Orchard Point and the surrounding neighbourhoods are opposed to the rezoning of this property in order to develop an eight-storey luxury condominium. You learned about why this development is absolutely incompatible with the neighbourhood and would be detrimental to the character and safety of the community. The plan, in many instances, does not support the planning principles contained within the City of Orillia Official Plan and the Provincial Policy Statement.
Thank you for listening. And thank you for your comments, questions and thoughtful consideration. Your decision to defer this request for rezoning, with recommendations for changes to the plan, has definitely restored my faith in our elected officials and your role in supporting the interests of City of Orillia residents.
Collectively, our voice was heard.
Kathy Hunt