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Still more to be done


Updated: Oct 30, 2021

Still To Come August 10, 2014

  1. The developer is yet to make and submit an application as of today.

  2. We believe that several of his required studies have been completed and we observed that some are still being done.

  3. Existing or New council – it doesn’t matter to us whom he submits this application to the city. We will be ready to take issue with his request.

  4. Discussions have been had with competent and prominent Biologists that can do the Environmental peer review and also could play a role in our own assessment.

  5. Environmental lawyers and Attorneys familiar with Planning issues and OMB hearing have also been contacted and we have conversed.

  6. Our next step is to raise the funds necessary to engage these professionals.

  7. People signing our petition have been extremely kind with their words toward our efforts and we all should be encouraged by this. Support for our cause seems overwhelming and so obvious as to what the right thing to do must be to Save Orillia Wetlands.

  8. What can you do to help? – We do need some more volunteers to help with our fund raising efforts and the collection and documentation of our lists. If you can give your Association some time, let us know via the web site.

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